Saturday, August 11, 2018

Wendy McElroy: Free-Market Law Enforcement for Crypto

The Satoshi Revolution: A Revolution of Rising Expectations. Section 4: State Versus Society Chapter 9, Part 6 Government is a law factory. It passes laws in the same manner that another type of factory extrudes metal molding…But, whereas a factory which extrudes metal molding is providing a product which is useful to the citizens generally, […]

Wendy McElroy: Free-Market Law Enforcement for Crypto is courtesy of:

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1 comment:

  1. From my previous experience its not that easy to get back a lost it stolen bitcoin because these scammers are very smart and they will cover their tracks but if you manage to find a trustworthy and reliable Recovery company, I said trustworthy and reliable because many scammers are out there disguising as Recovery agents and will only take your money without recovering your bitcoin, I was a victim of such myself after loosing my bitcoin to an investment scam I sort for help and I met few recovery agents and was scammed by a particular one again. Luckily for me I was referred to a company on telegram. You can send a complaint mail to fightingscams(@)AOL{.} com , he should be able to help you. They Recovered my stolen bitcoin after risking a token to their Recovery program. It was worth it at the end.
